Tuesday, October 16, 2012



Lately I’ve been realizing how remembering is a major key part of my life.  The word remember has been going through my mind so much.  I keep cards and notes of encouragement, and prophetic words people have given me.  I have kept notes like this for around 10 or 12 years.  This past week while re-organizing our desk, I came upon all these cards and notes.  As I have been sorting through them, I have been so encouraged remembering how blessed I have been over the years with friends and family who have poured into my life, loved me unconditionally, and kept me focused in life.  I have been remembering who I am in a greater, fuller, and deeper way.  I’ve remembered seasons that I have walked through in life and how Jesus has walked with me and spoken to me, and drawn me into His heart.  More than ever, I feel chosen as I remember who He has been in my life.  He really has chosen me, and loved me so well through every season in life.  I am blown away.  Sometimes in everyday routines I can get distracted and forget who this amazing Father is in my life.  But, like David did in the Bible, I am becoming a person that REMEMBERS the works of the Lord.  Last week in Burning Hearts, Nate (my amazing husband) spoke/taught on how the testimony of God releases power and faith for that very thing to happen again.  Something we do every week in Burning Hearts school is share testimonies and goodness of God stories of how God has provided finances, jobs, and resources, miracles of healing, salvation, and restoration.  One of the reasons we do this is to release the power of those testimonies for it to happen again.  For example, when someone shares a testimony about getting a job, that releases faith for others with that same need to experience that.  And it’s almost like a domino effect how things start to happen for others.  The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10).
I feel the power of remembering when I remember how God shows me how He has been faithful in walking me through a season.  When I remember His goodness, I feel a boldness to face what is in front of me, knowing that there is a crown of victory waiting for me.  It’s in the journey where He reveals His heart to me.  God tells His people often in the Bible to remember Him, what He said, who He is, and what He promised.  If you look throughout scripture, bad things happened when people forgot about Him and who He was in their lives.  Deuteronomy 32 is a song Moses sang, remembering the works of God and what happened to the ones who forgot.  Amazing things happened when the people remembered God.  In Psalm 77:11 David says that he will remember the works of the Lord, and miracles from long ago.  He was fixed and set on what the Lord had done.  He wrote songs about what God had done.  When I remember Jesus’ sacrifice for me, and His resurrection from the dead...all for my freedom, I am changed and will never again be the same.  I want my life to be full of remembering His story, and the works and promises of God.  He is so good.  How do you remember?  What do you remember?  Some ways I remember are these...

Songs.  Nate and I have a love for writing songs.  There are songs Nate has written that take me back to a place, and I remember the goodness of God during that time in our lives.  Songs are so powerful.  

Pictures and paintings.  There are countless testimonies of His goodness, and it’s these that I want to be on my mind all the time.  I decorate my house in this way.  We have a painting in our living room that was done during our wedding for us by a friend.  It speaks to us about our life message and stepping into all God has for us as a couple.  I remember God's hand on our lives and the promises He has for us.  
Painting by Portraits by Jen (Jenny Cordas)

In Haeven's room, we have a picture that was given to us by a friend.   I hung it in Haeven's room because when I look at it, I remember when she was born and the miracle of her life.  I start to dream about her life on the earth and who she was born to be.  This painting reminds me that with God, all things are possible.  

This painting below is called "Trust".  I remember how big my Papa is when I look at this.  I remember how He has the whole world in His hands, and He's holding my hand, never letting me go.  I remember how good of a Father He is, and that He doesn't change.

Talks.  I love remembering the goodness of God with friends, family and my husband.  There have been times when I'm talking with a friend or my husband, and I know God has brought healing to my heart and brought me peace.  History is important and a great key for growth.  I love talking with Nate about the goodness of God in our lives and how He has been faithful to us.  It propels us forward into what God has for us next.



1 comment:

  1. I follow a blog and she has what she calls a memorial box, just a small shelf on the wall where she puts a symbol or trinket that reminds her of a time God moved in her life. then she does Memorial Box Monday blogs about those time to encourage others. always remember!
