Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chew and stress less.

I'm currently reading Dr. Don Colbert's book, Stress Less.  I really appreciate his understanding of the stress process in the body.  Within the book are multiple "tools" to help the reader stress less, as well as stories of lives he has seen changed because of making simple changes.  One of his stories includes a patient of his that was healed of fibromyalgia simply because she stopped saying negative/critical things, and took Dr. Colbert's advice to say encouraging things.  Her decision to focus on the positive manifested healing her body.  Amazing.  Yeah God!  In his book, Dr. Colbert emphasizes knowing Jesus as first priority in life, and thanksgiving.  One of his "tips" inspired me to write this blog because it touched on things I am passionate about.  The following is one of Dr. Colbert's tips to stressing less by gaining control over your time...

"Make dining an experience by tasting, smelling, and savoring every bit of food instead of wolfing it down.  (This is the main reason why the French people have significantly fewer problems with obesity than Americans even though they eat small portions of rich desserts and pastries.)  I recommend that you give yourself at least thirty minutes to connect with family members.  Do not scold or reprimand your children at mealtime.  Also, avoid arguments and stressful topics at mealtime.
 Avoid eating on the run or as you drive your car.  You need to be able to relax, chew every bite thirty times, and give your body's digestive system an opportunity to do it's work.  A great deal of stress can be eliminated if a person will simply use mealtimes as opportunities to relax, daydream a little, and rest
." Don Colbert, MD (2008) Building "Margin" into your life.  Stress Less. (p.158) Lake Mary, Florida: Siloam.
Dinner time is one of my favorite times at our house.  I like to cook and prepare a nourishing meal, and every evening my husband, daughter and I sit down and enjoy our meal and conversation.  It's a rich blessing in our lives.  Sitting down and eating together gives our family the chance to discover more about each other in our conversation.  I am refreshed when I get up from the table, even if it is only 20-30 minutes together.  In the morning, breakfast time is just as good!  I am passionate about this time because it places value on family.  Healthy family is something we highly value.  It's really important for us to connect at the table, pray together, talk about the day, and encourage and enjoy each other.  I love it.  This time has been a key for us to be a healthy family.

Dr. Colbert points out that chewing our food is key for our health.  A simple thing.  Doesn't it make sense that if we just chew up our food good, our digestive systems would handle it better, and we'd be more comfortable?  Chewing food breaks it down so that enzymes can break it down further for absorption in our intestines.  Inhaling food makes digestion and absorption harder for the body to do well.  I don't like eating on the run.  Not a fan.  Because about an hour or more later I've forgotten that I even ate, and I feel worn out and still hungry.  If I have to eat on the go, I at least sit in my car and take a break.  I can be a fast eater at times, but when I take the time to sit down and eat my lunch, I do my body good.  I relax, chew my food, swallow and give myself time to enjoy it.  20-30 minutes is not a luxury.  Our bodies need to be cared for.  Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit.  This is a wonderful way I can honor God with my body.

Great tip, Dr. Colbert.

Chew and stress less.  Enjoy food.  Enjoy family.  Enjoy life.

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