Monday, September 17, 2012


I successfully grew alfalfa sprouts just before I had Haeven.  I had started a little blog about it, then I gave birth and totally forgot about it... : )  So I just came back to finish it today!

After learning about the nutritional/health benefits of sprouts, I really wanted to try and grow them.  Here are some of the benefits of sprouts.....

  • biogenic (life-regenerating), meaning the seeds sprout, they generate greater amounts of vitamin E, C and A--powerful antioxidants that preserve your cells and repair your DNA.
  • One of the most alkalizing, easily digestible (being high in enzymes) foods
  • During the sprouting process, new and higher quality proteins are produced.  Nutrients in seeds are anywhere from 50% to 400% greater after sprouting or soaking.
  • They contain caner-fighting compounds (sulforaphane) , and retard the aging process by helping keep hormones in balance.
  • they taste amazing!

How to grow sprouts....
What you need: a jar, paper towel, rubber band, or automatic sprouter.

Soak your desired amount of seeds for 5-12 hours in a jar with a breathable cover.  I used a paper towel with a rubber band around it.  Put the jar in a dark area at room temperature (not in the sun).  After soaking the seeds, drain and rinse them.  Lay the jar on it's side to give the seeds more room to spread out and grow.  Rinse the seeds 3 times a day with lukewarm water.  Drain the water through a strainer.  Rinsing will take care of any risk of bad bacteria or molding.
Over the next 5 days your seeds will sprout.  Keep them out of direct sunlight.  At the end of the last day, take the sprouts out and store in the refrigerator in a glass container or plastic bag.

Sprouts in mid-growth

You can sprout seeds, grains or legumes.  You can buy a mix, or create your own mix.  You just have to make sure the seeds you are mixing sprout in the same amount of time.  I grew alfalfa seeds, and they turned out great.  I ended up having to take out about half of the sprouts half way through their grown and put them in another jar because my jar was so full.  

Here is a video I used as a guide to growing sprouts.

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